All-on-x and Overdenture

All-on-X and overdenture are advanced dental solutions for missing teeth. All-on-X utilizes a minimum of four or more dental implants for a permanent, fixed alternative to traditional dentures, ensuring stability and a natural appearance. On the other hand, overdentures offer a removable option anchored by dental implants or natural teeth, providing a balance between stability and convenience. Both options enhance oral health, offering improved chewing function and a confident smile. Choose All-on-X for a permanent fix or overdentures for flexibility, each tailored to elevate your overall dental experience.

This Guide Will Include

Dr Andy Trans Apex Dental Studio

Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you. Thanks to technological advancement, we can enjoy life without the stigma and challenges of losing teeth. Many problems arise if you have lost multiple teeth or have an ill-fitting denture. The list goes on and on, not eating comfortably, not chewing as best as possible, smiling, going out with friends and family. We want you to have the life you wish; teeth should not be the deciding factor. When you have missing teeth or have dental problems, an all-on-x procedure might be right for you!

Who should get

All-on-x and Overdenture


A common misconception is that you need a lot of bone to get dental implants. That isn't true; all-on-x implants are specifically designed to use bone where it exists and not waste it on areas where there isn't much.

All-on-x dental implants are an excellent option for people who miss one or more teeth and want to restore their smile. Additionally, this is an ideal procedure for someone with no bone density to support a complete set of individual implants, the time to have individual implants placed, or the budget to pay for them.

The benefits of

All-on-x and Overdenture

With all-on-x, you no longer need to worry about the usual problems associated with dentures. You can have a complete set of teeth in one easy procedure. Our dental practice is dedicated to helping patients achieve the best smile possible. We believe in creating natural and long-lasting solutions so that you can benefit from healthy teeth in the present but also put your mind at ease for many years to come. 

The process of getting


All-on-x and Overdenture

procedure at Apex Dental Studio

While a dentist may make the process look easy, surgery is a complex procedure that we can complete at an efficient pace. Here's the general process of getting an all-on-x procedure - It's a journey, but we love to be a part of it with you. 

All-on-x dental Apex Dental Studio Hutto Texas Patient

 Step 1. Evaluation and Records


A thorough examination is essential for the placement of dental implants. We want to ensure that you receive the highest quality dental implant possible, so we take time during your initial consultation. 

All records will help dictate the surgery / the location and number of implants / as well as any limitations that we all should know. We can see all critical information (Where bone/sinus/nerves are located) so that your teeth will look amazing and function as best they can. This guide will help us position the implant exactly where we want it to be.


Step 2. Schedule Surgery day

Apex will contact patients through a phone call to discuss possible surgery days. Once the date is set, the patient will receive all pre-operations paperwork that contains all the do's and don'ts while waiting for the surgery date. Apex will also then proceed to order all necessary implant materials.

All-on-x dental with dentist Apex Dental Studio Hutto Texas

Step 3. Surgery day

Two days before the surgery, Apex will reach out to the patient through a phone call to go over and answer any needed questions. The surgery will begin in the morning after a good night's rest  - your existing teeth and any remnants of such will be extracted, and excess and/or damaged gum tissue will be removed to make room for the implants.

Step 4. Delivery of Temporary

Dental implants will be surgically placed, and temporary teeth will be delivered. The patient will undergo test bite and adjustments as needed. The patient will be asked for aesthetic feedback, noting all comments for the next visit.

All-on-x dental patient service in Apex Dental Studio Hutto Texas

Step 5. Follow-ups

After your procedure, the dentist will ensure you understand how to care for your mouth as you recover correctly. Each new set of teeth comes new and better. You will be provided with a list of foods to avoid and instructions on keeping your mouth clean. 

  • Adjustments

A week to a year after the temporaries are delivered, the patient will be closely monitored for adjustments, suture removal and continued oral hygiene check.

  • Evaluation of Final

Scan one-year post-op results and send results for fabrication of the permanent.

Step 6. Delivery of Permanent

Today, you can look forward to seeing smiles in your mirror and photographs that make people come up to you and say positive things. The first time you look in the mirror after going "all-in" with all-on-x will feel completely priceless.

Cost of

All-on-x and Overdenture

Everyone's dental challenges are unique. Call us for a cost estimate.

If you have more questions

Contact us

We’re here to make sure you have your best smile, so when you’re winning at life, you can wear it with pride. It's our way of celebrating with you.